More of Evidence of CDC Deception (Part II): The Delaware Study

Prepare to have your intelligence insulted, dear reader—not by me, of course, but by the CDC—you know, the Care Bears from the government who are just here to help (  

On January 5, 2021, the CDC posted a Tweet praising Delaware’s universal mask mandate for having helped reduce the number of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. The info-graphic accompanying the Tweet shows a masked father and son (uncle and nephew?) playing outside their two-story suburban house and waving the American flag, because “go Team America”! USA! USA! The captions below this graphic highlight the results of a CDC study conducted between March and June 2020. The results appear to support the CDC’s conclusion: Masks work! USA! USA!

Here’s the Tweet:

Keep in mind that the CDC is touting Delaware’s success in January 2021, several months after the study ended. So, with Delaware’s mask mandate still in effect, what should we expect a chart of Delaware’s case numbers to look like?

Hold that image.

Now check out the chart below showing Delaware’s case numbers before, during, and after the study period. (Scroll down to bottom of page.) Now compare that line chart to the one that formed in your mind’s eye just a moment ago in light of the CDC’s celebration of the statewide mandate.

What a difference! Notice the rise in cases. Look at the case numbers in January, when the CDC posted its triumphant Tweet.

My expectation (and probably yours as well) was that the case numbers would continue to go down, indefinitely. As Ian Miller points out, the study began around the time of the spring peak and ended before the next flu season began, when cases skyrocketed, despite the mandate. But, apparently, the CDC would have us ignore the effects of seasonality, specifically the ginormous increase in cases that occurred after the study ended. (How convenient for the CDC and its narrative that the study ended precisely when it did!) Of course, when we take into account seasonality, the conclusion that “masks work” seems highly questionable—if not deceptive.

At this point, one has to wonder: Is the CDC really that incompetent? Or, is there an agenda here?

As I continue to write about this nonsense in March 2022, the COVID Regime appears to be making a tactical retreat. It is now doing an about-face regarding the “new normal” restrictions we all came to know and hate. While I am happy to see these restrictions go away, I think we would do well to remember that that they were all based on misinformation, lies, and propaganda—as I have documented here, here, and here

How many lives were ruined by this propaganda-fueled hysteria? How many people lost their jobs, their businesses, their livelihoods? How many families were torn apart? How many suicides and other deaths of despair occurred as a result of this madness? How many other people have died (or will die sooner rather than later) because they were forced to postpone medical treatment or cancer screenings during the lock-down?

They will try doing this to us again. The precedent has been set. The temptation to hit the panic button remains. We can’t let them—never again.      

(Thanks to Ian Miller for bringing this chart to our attention: The chart was produced by The COVID Tracking Project: