Fraudulent Data Manipulation at the CDC

As always, the devil is in the details.

From the CDC: “State health departments voluntarily report vaccine breakthrough cases [SARS-CoV-2 infections occurring in vaccinated people] to CDC. As of May 1, 2021, CDC transitioned from publicly reporting the passive surveillance of all vaccine breakthrough cases on the website to focus on hospitalized or fatal vaccine breakthrough cases due to any cause. This shift helped maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance.”

Note: This text appeared as quoted on the CDC’s website as late as 9/14/2021, but it was revised the following day to exclude references to data quality.

(See here

Let’s get this straight. The CDC changed the way it reports breakthrough cases because it became concerned about data quality (was the CDC not concerned about data quality before?). As a result of this concern, CDC officials felt they should no longer report mild or asymptomatic cases among vaccinated people.  

Keep that in mind. There’s more.

But before we proceed to the kicker, one might ask, “Where was this concern about data quality previously, especially during the summer of 2020, when the corporate press bludgeoned us with sky-high case numbers on a daily basis, in a transparent attempt to scare people and justify the lockdowns?”  

Recall this data fraud. It’s worth remembering.

We now know that these case numbers included many false positives due to the overly sensitive PCR tests being used to diagnose infection. It is no longer controversial to say that the PCR tests are, to put it mildly, faulty. One can read about it in the New York Times

According to The Times, most PCR tests are set to a cycle threshold (Ct) value 40. The Ct value is a measure of test sensitivity and tends to negatively correlate with the amount of viral load in a sample. In other words, the higher the Ct value, the lower the viral load, the less likely someone has a live infection. The Times reports that even the CDC acknowledges that it is hard to detect any live virus above Ct value 33.


Regardless, CDC officials continued to instruct health clinics and hospitals to report cases on the basis of the PCR test, without specifying the Ct value—as if that were unimportant to know—in addition to merely “suspected” cases where no tests were even given.

This uncritical acceptance of any and all “positive” PCR tests resulted in wildly inflated case numbers and death counts—an outcome that was both predictable and avoidable. TV news networks reported these numbers in the form of on-air death-tickers, without question, thus creating the appearance of a major health crisis.

Now, if that weren’t enough, here’s the kicker.

Let’s look at the reporting instructions issued by the CDC regarding breakthrough cases, aside from the inexplicable decision not to report mild or asymptomatic cases among vaccinated people—inexplicable from the point of view of someone genuinely interested in evaluating the efficacy of the so-called vaccines, i.e., their ability to prevent infection. These instructions show that the CDC deliberately engages in fraudulent data manipulation.

Any thinking person can see this fraud, if one only takes the time to look.

If you’re with me so far, you’re probably a critical thinker.

Let’s look, shall we?

Here are the instructions regarding breakthrough cases and how they are to be reported: “For cases with a known RT-PCR cycle threshold (Ct) value, submit only specimens with Ct value ≤28 to CDC for sequencing. (Sequencing is not feasible with higher Ct values.)”

The CDC goes on to state that cases that do not meet their investigation criteria are not to be entered in CDC’s REDCap database, a system which stores data on breakthrough cases. (For instructions, see

So, according to the CDC, a positive PCR test with a Ct value greater than 28 should not be investigated or counted as a breakthrough case. Yet, curiously, prior to the widespread availability of the experimental vaccines, there was no such reporting requirement. The CDC simply accepted the validity of any positive PCR test as a reportable case, regardless of the Ct value.

Recall that most PCR tests have been set to Ct value 40, as The Times reported. Hence, the inflated case numbers that gave everyone the impression of a national medical emergency.

It’s not hard to imagine, then, the effect of the CDC’s decision to exclude mild and asymptomatic cases from its breakthrough database, along with hospitalized people and the deceased who test positive at Ct values greater than 28.

Apparently, such positive tests (including false ones) are still reportable for unvaccinated people.

Also, keep in mind that unvaccinated people are increasingly being subjected to weekly testing by their employers. And where there is more testing, there are more “cases” to be found.

Vaccinated employees do not have to test regularly.

Thus, the game is rigged.

Here we have a two-tiered reporting system. It is a system that allows the CDC to minimize the number of reportable cases among vaccinated people, while inflating the number of “cases” among unvaccinated people.

Let’s see how this reporting system plays out when applied to two people admitted to the hospital. One person is vaccinated, the other is not. Although both patients are admitted for something other than Covid-19, both test PCR positive, with Ct value 37. In accordance with the CDC, the unvaccinated patient’s test gets reported as a case, whereas the vaccinated patient’s test does not get reported, because the Ct value is greater than 28. In reality, however, neither patient has a live, transmissible infection.            

A curious person might ask: Why, all of a sudden, is the CDC concerned about data quality and “cases of greatest clinical and public health importance,” but only when it comes to breakthrough cases? Why not apply these reporting criteria to all cases, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike?

Could it be that arbitrarily changing the reporting criteria to reduce the number of breakthrough cases, while continuing to count false positives and asymptomatic cases among unvaccinated people, will make the experimental mRNA vaccines look more effective than they really are?

Knowing the devil’s hiding place, thinking people have to look askance at the claims being made by Team Hysteria about this alleged “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”